Monday, September 24, 2007

Saturday 22nd September

Tough, tough loss...... 12-11 in extra innings yet again.

This is starting to be a really tough grinding series. After last night's 14 innings another extra five hour marathon and tough one to lose.

The good: The "minors" triple A players 8-20... with 7 rbis and 5 runs....
18 hits against Yankees
The doubles, Rios, Olmedo, Adams, Thigpen and Hill of course.
The two out rbis.... also from the Minors... Thigpen, Lind, Luna (and Hill)
Five run seventh and 3 run eighth.... hurts the Yankee bullpen...

The bad: Eight pitchers... sorry NOT acceptable Manager. There are long inning relief guys in bullpen to soak it up including the call-ups.
Marcum only three innings.
Towers nine batters in less than two innings.
Twenty five Jays left on base... even with those two out rbis...

The really bad: More injuries... Marcum, Downs and Thomas.

Pitching again.... even with the injuries which now makes the lineup Triple A.
There has to be someone in bullpen who can give 3-4 innings of long relief. Maybe Towers in 4th would have been better match... I am not a supporter of the way Gibbons manages his pitchers and the end of the season is proving this. The younger guys have never pitched so much and he should have allowed for this.
Overall an entertaining series to date and the Jays are showing grit this week against Boston and New York.
Tomorrow's game survivial of fittest bull-pens but is McGowan's arm shot ?


craig said...

I think the young players are showing some very positive signs.......I like Lind etc.

warwickjay said...

I agree with Craig's comment. The minors have been huge this season and continue in this last week and the series in NY.